
June 5, 2024 Healthcare

Are you ready to embark on a journey towards a healthier you? Our non-invasive biometric assessment tool, the InBody, offers cutting-edge analysis technology of body composition assessments. Providing a precise and comprehensive tool, it provides everything one needs to track results and progress.

by analysing key elements such as lean muscle, body fat, protein, mineral content and hydration levels, our coaches are able to utilise the data to tailor your nutrition and fitness plans precisely for your individual needs.

Our InBody provides you with detailed progress reports, including:

  • Muscle Mass: Discover your muscle mass and track your progress as you build strength.
  • Body Fat Mass and Percentage: Get a clear picture of your body fat to better manage your weight.
  • Visceral Fat: Identify dangerous visceral fat that can lead to health issues
  • Water Balance: Monitor your hydration levels, which is essential for overall health.
  • Metabolic Rate: Understand your basal metabolic rate, helping you plan your nutrition effectively.


Our In-Body assessments empower you to make informed decisions about your health. Whether you want to lose weight, gain muscle, or maintain your current status, the In-Body is your trusted partner in setting achievable goals for your health and fitness journey.

To learn more, click here//click on link in bio

Contact us via 044 533 0155 or email us at


June 30, 2023 HealthcareTherapy

Stress, in one form or another, has become a constant companion in our fast-paced world. Whether it’s financial worries, work pressures, relationship conflicts, or other stressors, these challenges can often feel overwhelming. But remember, stress doesn’t have to rule your life. At Plett Sports Clinic, we’re here to equip you with the tools, habits, and structures you need to manage and reduce your daily stress.


Understanding Stress:


Stress is a normal part of life, but when it starts to interfere with your wellbeing, it’s time to take action. Persistent stress can lead to various physical and mental health issues, from headaches and sleep disturbances to anxiety, depression,, poor health and auto immune issues. Recognizing your stress triggers and understanding how to deal with them effectively is the first step towards a healthier, more balanced life.


Our Approach at Plett Sports Clinic:


At Plett Sports Clinic, we view stress management as a journey of self-discovery and self-improvement. Through our life and health coaching services, we help you identify your stressors, understand their impact on your life, and develop personalized strategies to cope with them.


Dealing with Everyday Stress Factors:


  1. Finances: Financial stress can be all-consuming. We help you manage this stress by guiding you through effective financial planning strategies and mindful spending habits. It’s about gaining control over your finances, rather than letting them control you.


  1. Work: The workplace can often be a significant source of stress. Our approach helps you build resilience, enhance time-management skills, and foster a healthy work-life balance, making your workdays less stressful and more productive.


  1. Relationships: Relationship conflicts can drain your emotional energy. We guide you in improving communication, setting healthy boundaries, and resolving conflicts, helping you foster more satisfying and stress-free relationships.


  1. Other Stressors: Life can throw numerous other stressors your way. At Plett Sports Clinic, we help you build a comprehensive toolkit of stress management techniques, like mindfulness, relaxation exercises, and healthy lifestyle habits, to tackle these challenges effectively.



Managing stress is about learning to balance the different aspects of your life, equipping yourself with effective coping strategies, and developing a resilient mindset. It may not be an easy journey, but with the right support, you can navigate the complexities of everyday stress with confidence.


Are you ready to take the reins and manage your stress effectively? Join us at Plett Sports Clinic. Let’s start your journey towards a less stressful and more fulfilling life today.



Call: 0445330155


June 29, 2023 HealthcareTherapy

Gender-based violence (GBV) is a global issue, deeply rooted in social norms and inequalities, often causing profound harm to individuals. It takes many forms, including sexism, sexual harassment, abuse, rape, and many others, causing untold damage. At Plett Sports Clinic, we recognize the lasting impact of such experiences and are committed to offering support to those affected, aiming to empower and assist them on their healing journey.


Understanding Gender-Based Violence:


GBV manifests in many ways and is often perpetuated by ingrained societal attitudes and prejudices. Victims, irrespective of their gender, can face a wide range of consequences, both physical and psychological. They may experience feelings of fear, shame, guilt, anxiety, and depression, which can severely impact their everyday life and wellbeing.


Our Approach at Plett Sports Clinic:


At Plett Sports Clinic, we firmly believe that no one should have to carry the weight of their traumatic experiences alone. We are here to support, listen, and guide you as you navigate your path to healing. Our approach acknowledges the unique pain caused by GBV, focusing on understanding, empathy, and empowerment.


Through our life and health coaching services, we create a safe and non-judgmental space where individuals can express their feelings, fears, and anxieties. We assist you in unpacking your experiences, helping to break down the harmful effects of GBV, and work towards rebuilding a sense of safety and control.


Dealing with Sexism, Sexual Harassment, Abuse, and Rape:


Experiences such as sexism, sexual harassment, abuse, and rape can leave deep emotional scars. The journey to healing from such trauma often requires addressing feelings of violation and powerlessness, rebuilding trust, and reclaiming personal autonomy.


At Plett Sports Clinic, we approach these challenges with great sensitivity. Our team helps you recognize and validate your feelings, understand the dynamics of these violent acts, and develop coping strategies. We focus on reinforcing your self-worth, confidence, and resilience, aiding you in establishing healthier relationships and interactions.




Gender-based violence is a heavy burden to bear but remember that you’re not alone. At Plett Sports Clinic, we stand by your side, offering you the support, respect, and care you need to overcome the pain and regain your strength.


Are you ready to start your journey towards healing? Reach out to us at Plett Sports Clinic. We’re here to support you every step of the way in moving beyond the shadow of gender-based violence.


Please remember to get in touch by calling or emailing us:



June 28, 2023 HealthcareTherapy

Life is often a tumultuous journey, and unfortunately, it may sometimes include experiences that deeply hurt us. These negative events or traumas can create emotional wounds that continue to affect our daily lives, long after the incidents have passed. Here at Plett Sports Clinic, we understand the profound impact trauma can have on an individual’s life, and we’re committed to providing the support and guidance needed to move forward.


The Weight of Past Trauma:


Trauma, whether it results from narcissistic abuse, PTSD, or other devastating experiences, can leave scars that persist over time. It can create a lens through which we perceive the world, often shrouded with fear, anxiety, and distrust. These feelings can infringe on our ability to function, form relationships, and find peace within ourselves.


Our Approach at Plett Sports Clinic:


At Plett Sports Clinic, we believe that while trauma may be a part of your story, it does not define you. Our mission is to empower you to reclaim your narrative. We aim to guide you through your healing journey, helping you process and understand your experiences, instead of remaining stuck in painful memories.


Our life and health coaching approach is centered around acknowledging your past, understanding its impact on your present, and focusing on creating a healthier future. We work to identify and break the patterns that may be keeping you trapped in the cycle of pain, instilling strategies to cope with distressing emotions and memories.


Dealing with Narcissistic Abuse and PTSD:


Victims of narcissistic abuse and individuals struggling with PTSD often feel isolated, misunderstood, and overwhelmed. These complex traumas require a delicate and patient approach. At Plett Sports Clinic, we provide a supportive environment where you can freely express your experiences and feelings without judgement.


Through our life and health coaching sessions, we help you understand the nature of narcissistic abuse and PTSD, equipping you with knowledge and tools to counter their effects. We guide you towards building self-esteem, setting boundaries, and developing resilience, leading to more positive experiences in your relationships and daily life.




Overcoming trauma is not a quick process, and it’s certainly not easy. But with compassion, patience, and the right support, it’s entirely possible. At Plett Sports Clinic, we’re here to help you every step of the way, providing a safe space where you can heal and grow.


Are you ready to break free from the past and start moving towards a healthier future? Come join us at Plett Sports Clinic. Your journey to healing from trauma, whether from narcissistic abuse or PTSD, starts here.




Call: 0445330155


June 21, 2023 Healthcare

Every journey of transformation begins with the self – the point where we realize that our greatest power lies within us. The path to wellness and achieving your best self can often seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Plett Sports Clinic is dedicated to walking that path with you. Our approach is centred around cultivating self-respect and fostering a positive body image, because we believe that health and wellness go beyond the physical, extending into the realms of mental and emotional wellbeing.


The Plett Sports Clinic Philosophy:

In the words of Plett Sports Clinic:

“We create the foundation for respecting and loving yourself. We work on setting and creating healthy boundaries both with yourself and others. We reframe your thoughts around your identity, beliefs, and behaviour and how that affects your relationship with yourself, self-care, and relationships with others.”

Our mission is to not only help you build a healthier body but also to cultivate a healthier mind. We take a holistic approach, understanding that your mind and body are interconnected. When you learn to love and respect yourself, you set the stage for a positive body image, leading to healthier choices, stronger habits and a happier life.


The Importance of Self-Love:

Self-love is not about vanity or selfishness; rather, it’s about developing a deep and profound respect for yourself, accepting who you are with all your strengths and weaknesses. It’s about understanding that your worth is not defined by physical appearances or societal standards. Self-love lays the foundation for self-care, mental resilience, and overall well-being. It gives you the strength to set boundaries, stand up for your needs, and live a life that aligns with your core values and beliefs.


Promoting Positive Body Image:

In a world full of unrealistic beauty standards and constant comparison, maintaining a positive body image can be challenging. But it’s crucial to remember that your body is your personal temple, uniquely yours and serving you every single day. Appreciating your body, celebrating its abilities, and taking care of it is an act of self-love.

At Plett Sports Clinic, we encourage you to step away from harmful comparisons and societal pressures. Instead, we guide you to embrace your individuality and value your body for its function over its form. Through our life coaching sessions, we aim to shift your perspective, fostering a positive body image that’s grounded in respect and gratitude for your body.



Embarking on a journey towards self-love and a positive body image is one of the most empowering decisions you can make. Remember, it’s not about perfection; it’s about progress and being a little better each day. At Plett Sports Clinic, we’re here to support you at every step of this journey, helping you establish a positive relationship with yourself and your body. We offer you the tools and guidance to develop a mindset that nurtures self-love, resilience, and overall wellbeing.


Are you ready to embrace a healthier and happier you? Come join us and experience the Plett Sports Clinic difference.


Your journey to self-love and positive body image starts here



    Call: 0445330155



    June 21, 2023 Healthcare

    Navigating Wellness with Plett Sports Clinic: An Introduction to Our Life and Health Coaching Series

    Welcome to Plett Sports Clinic’s blog post series, where we delve into the multifaceted world of life and health coaching. We believe in the power of coaching to transform lives by Improving one’s fitness and health, by reframing one’s relationship to oneself, and by promoting growth, wellness, and resilience.

    Through our series, we aim to provide insights into our unique approach and its core principles, helping you understand how our coaching process can support you on your journey towards a healthier, more fulfilling life.

    Our life and health coaching at Plett Sports Clinic revolves around five fundamental pillars:


    1. Self-Respect and Positive Body Image: We believe that the journey to wellness begins with self-love and embracing a positive body image. This is not all about oneself, self-love and being self-centred! Rather, we work to cultivate an environment that encourages self-respect and sets the foundation for healthy boundaries, reframing thoughts around identity, beliefs, and behaviours.
    2. Trauma Counselling: Trauma, whether stemming from narcissistic abuse, PTSD, or past negative experiences, can deeply impact one’s life. We offer compassionate guidance and support, equipping you with the tools to navigate through these challenging experiences and work towards healing.
    3. Addressing Gender-Based Violence (GBV): GBV can leave profound emotional scars. We approach this sensitive issue with great care, helping individuals understand and overcome the effects of sexism, sexual harassment, abuse, and rape, fostering a sense of safety and empowerment.
    4. Coping with Stress: Stress is a pervasive part of modern life, impacting various aspects, including finances, work, and relationships. We offer practical strategies and habits to help manage stress more effectively, promoting a balanced, healthier lifestyle.
    5. Positive Psychology: At the heart of our approach is positive psychology. We strive to shift your thinking towards a more optimistic, realistic perspective, fostering gratitude, grace, and confidence. This shift can empower you to create positive changes in your life.


    Each blog post in our series focuses on these fundamental principles, illustrating their practical applications and showcasing the potential benefits of life and health coaching.

    By understanding and applying these principles, you can start to foster change, not just in specific areas of your life, but in your overall perspective and approach to wellness.

    We invite you to join us on this enlightening journey. Through this series, we hope to provide valuable insights into the transformative power of life and health coaching and its potential to positively impact your journey towards wellness.


    Welcome to the start of a powerful journey with Plett Sports Clinic. Let’s explore, learn, and grow together!

    Hope you enjoy the series.


    Please remember to get in touch by calling or emailing us:


    Call: 0445330155


    Are you a woman over 40 struggling to lose weight? Have you tried every diet and exercise plan but still can’t seem to shed those extra pounds? The issue may not be your willpower or discipline, but rather, an imbalance in your hormones.


    According to Dr. Sara Gottfried, a Harvard-trained gynecologist, and author of The Hormone Reset Diet, hormones play a crucial role in weight loss. Hormones are chemical messengers that regulate various functions in the body, including metabolism, appetite, and fat storage. When our hormones are imbalanced, it can lead to weight gain and difficulty losing weight.


    Let’s explore the impact of hormones on weight loss, including insulin resistance, cortisol, and estrogen dominance, and discuss strategies to balance hormones to support weight loss, including the role of intermittent fasting and the keto diet.


    Insulin Resistance and Weight Loss


    Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas that helps regulate blood sugar levels. Insulin resistance occurs when cells in the body become less responsive to insulin, leading to higher blood sugar levels and an increased risk of type 2 diabetes. Insulin resistance also promotes fat storage, especially around the midsection.


    Dr. Gottfried notes that insulin resistance is prevalent in women over 40 and is often a result of chronic stress, lack of exercise, and a diet high in refined carbohydrates and sugar. To support weight loss, it’s essential to address insulin resistance by adopting a low-carbohydrate diet that focuses on healthy fats, protein, and fiber.


    The Keto Diet and Weight Loss


    The ketogenic diet is a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet that has gained popularity in recent years for its weight loss benefits. The keto diet works by putting the body into a state of ketosis, where it burns fat for fuel instead of carbohydrates.


    Dr. Gottfried notes that the keto diet can be an effective strategy for weight loss, especially for women over 40 who struggle with insulin resistance. The keto diet can help lower insulin levels, reduce inflammation, and promote fat loss. However, she cautions that the keto diet may not be suitable for everyone and recommends working with a healthcare provider to determine if it’s right for you.


    Cortisol and Weight Loss


    Cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands in response to stress. When cortisol levels are chronically elevated, it can lead to weight gain, especially around the midsection. Dr. Gottfried notes that chronic stress, lack of sleep, and a diet high in sugar and refined carbohydrates can all contribute to elevated cortisol levels.


    To support weight loss, it’s essential to address cortisol levels by adopting stress-reducing strategies such as mindfulness practices, yoga, and regular exercise. Additionally, a diet that emphasizes whole foods, healthy fats, and protein can help support cortisol balance and reduce inflammation in the body.


    Estrogen Dominance and Weight Loss


    Estrogen is a hormone that plays a crucial role in women’s health, including reproductive function and bone density. However, when estrogen levels are imbalanced, it can lead to weight gain and difficulty losing weight. Estrogen dominance occurs when there is an excess of estrogen relative to progesterone, another hormone that helps balance estrogen.


    Dr. Gottfried notes that estrogen dominance is prevalent in women over 40 and is often a result of environmental toxins, stress, and a diet high in processed foods. To support weight loss, it’s essential to address estrogen dominance by adopting a diet that emphasizes whole foods, fiber, and cruciferous vegetables, which support estrogen metabolism.


    Dr. Gottfried has a wealth of information in her latest book – Women, Food and Hormones. It’s a must buy, we highly recommend it. It answers so many of women’s health and weight loss challenges, providing the answers to the problem.


    We use her protocol within our nutrition coaching programs, connect with one of our coaches if you are interested to discuss this more. Get in touch now.


    October 10, 2022 HealthcareNutrition

    You may feel like a failure for not being able to make “simple, obvious decisions”—like choosing a roasted chicken salad over a Big Mac and fries. Simply knowing what to eat doesn’t always make the difference when wanting to improve your health and lifestyle choices.

    How we can help? 

    1. Help you understand it’s not “all your fault.”

    Yes, there’s individual responsibility involved in changing how we eat, move, and live.

    At a certain point, you do have to make the decision to do things differently: work out when you would normally watch TV, add a side of veggies to dinner, get that extra hour of sleep you really need.

    But the idea that a person’s size is only about those individual decisions is far too simplistic.

    You can really benefit from understanding this. It can chip away at a dangerous myth that holds you back: That not having the body or health they want comes down to making logical, straightforward choices.

    As coaches , we help you see that the food and lifestyle choices often aren’t straightforward.

    This can uncover what’s really influencing your eating patterns. Or what we like to call “the problem behind your problem.”

    2. We use the goals, skills, practices, actions framework.

    This framework is how we break down big health goals into smaller, more manageable chunks.

    It allows you to focus on actions you can successfully practice—instead of giving you a strict set of rules to follow. Just as important, it takes into account your unique challenges, preferences, and lifestyles.

    So it meets every person where they’re at, and naturally helps unroot what’s standing in your way.

    Get in Touch.

    If you want to understand more on how this all works or if you see that having the support of a coach who understands where you are at and is able to walk you through each step, give us a call and book in for a conversation to discuss what you need and how we can help.

    Yours in health,

    Donald and the Plett Sports Clinic Team

    Call: 044 533 0155



    October 4, 2022 HealthcareTherapy

    “I’m just too busy!”

    When it comes to managing stress, we’ve all been told how important self-care is.

    From getting regular exercise and restorative sleep…

    …. to hanging out with family and friends….

    …. to carving out some personal space for a hobby, reading a novel, or just relaxing.

    But for many of us, actually doing this feels impossible because THERE’S JUST NOT ENOUGH TIME.

    If you feel that way yourself, here’s a question to ponder:

    Are you 100 percent sure?

    What if it’s a false belief that’s holding you back?

    There’s one way to find out: Try an experiment that tests your assumption.

    We’ll give you an example.

    In a 2008 study from Leeds Metropolitan University, scientists found that when people exercised at work, they were more productive compared to the days they didn’t exercise.

    Specifically, the participants scored 15 percent higher in their ability to meet both time and output demands. They also reported feeling less stressed and happier with their job.

    How to Do It 

    Step 1: Choose a self-care practice you’d like to start doing (or do more of).

    Step 2: Write down what you’re worried will happen if you start doing it. (Examples: You’ll be less productive at work; you’ll let people down; your house will fall apart.)

    Step 3: Create a way to measure how you’ll know if your initial concerns are true. This could be a simple 1 to 10 subjective rating.

    Don’t like it? You can stop doing it, or try another approach.

    One other key here…

    Don’t get overzealous.

    When adding your activity, start small. Choose an amount of time that feels REALLY easy.


    On a scale of 1 (no way you’re ever going to do it) to 10 (so easy it’s almost laughable), you should be a 9 or 10 on your ability to follow through.

    This might mean just 5 minutes at first. While that might not seem meaningful, it’ll help ensure that you (or your client) will actually take action.

    If you have success, you can always add time and continue the experiment.

    This really does work.

    Check out this example from a client (who gave us permission to share it). It’s taken from his iPhone, and it shows his daily average steps each month for last 20 months.

    Back in early 2021, he was working out for an hour a day, three days a week (lifting weights and hitting the Air Assault bike). But he was only averaging about 2,500 steps per day.

    And though he wanted to move more, he just didn’t think he had time because of his job.

    Then he tried an experiment.

    He started with “really easy” (a 9) which, for him, was walking to the end of his neighborhood and back each day (about 12 minutes). Quickly, he jumped to about 4,500 steps per day.

    As he saw improvement—and no dropoff in his work performance—he began to believe he could do even more. So he started trying to get in a 3-mile walk most days, in addition to his regular workouts.

    Some days it rained or he was sick—and he didn’t make it. On other days, though, he walked farther.

    He progressed from there.

    Over time, you can see how this practice has taken hold. Even in “down” months, he’s now taking significantly more steps than when he started.

    In fact, his latest results (August of 2022) show that, overall, he’s gone from being relatively sedentary to being pretty darn active (9000+ steps a day!).

    Yet nothing else in his life changed, and there aren’t suddenly more hours in a day.

    It all started with “baby steps”—and the willingness to experiment.

    Again, this isn’t just about exercise.

    You could also use this approach for making time to meditate, take a hot bath, enjoy a hobby, or just get in a daily dose of fun (however you define that).

    Any of which could help lower stress and anxiety, improve your physical, mental, and emotional health, and make life more fulfilling.

    Call a Coach!

    Do you feel like you need more help or the support of a coach to help you create manageable and sustainable structures to support you in your Stress Management?

    Give us a call to schedule a 1-1 to chat about where you or at and start creating healthy structures to help you Live Better every day!

    Yours in health

    Donald and the Plett Sports Clinic Team

    Kudos: This content is from our partners at Precision Nutrition Inc.


    September 29, 2022 HealthcareTherapy


    +27 (0) 44 533 0155

    Upper Level, The Market Square Shopping Centre, Beaconway, Plettenberg Bay

    Plett Sports Clinic (PTY) Ltd.

    Copyright by Plett Sports Clinic 2023. All rights reserved.