Conclusion to health/life coaching series

June 30, 2023

As we wrap up this introduction to our life and health coaching series, we hope it has offered you a glimpse into the transformative power of coaching and its potential to profoundly impact various aspects of your life. It’s important to remember that wellness extends far beyond physical fitness. It’s a holistic journey that encompasses mental health and overall wellbeing, making it integral to leading a fulfilling life.


At Plett Sports Clinic, we believe in a comprehensive approach to wellness, one that combines physical health with mental and emotional resilience. Through our coaching services, we aim to guide you on this journey, helping you navigate challenges, develop a healthier mindset, and cultivate habits that foster lasting wellbeing.


As we delve deeper into the topics of self-love, trauma counselling, addressing GBV, stress management, and positive psychology in our upcoming blog posts, we hope to offer you valuable insights and practical strategies. These are tools not just for temporary change, but for sustainable transformation – changes that empower you to lead a healthier, more balanced life.


So whether you’re seeking ways to manage stress more effectively, recover from past trauma, or simply foster a more positive outlook, this series could be a significant step towards your wellness journey. Remember, change begins with a single step. Let this blog post series be that step for you.


We look forward to accompanying you on this journey towards wellness. At Plett Sports Clinic, we believe in your potential to thrive. Together, let’s turn that belief into a reality.


To your health and happiness,

Donald Ravenscroft and Shannon Skae

Health and Life Coaches

Plett Sports Clinic



Call: 044-533-0155

+27 (0) 44 533 0155

Upper Level, The Market Square Shopping Centre, Beaconway, Plettenberg Bay

Plett Sports Clinic (PTY) Ltd.

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